Eduardo Lamas Suárez

Software Engineer
My Projects
Personal Background

My projects

Greenhouse gas calculation tool

The GHG tool is part of the ECCO one stop shop project developed by the CIT university, with the aim of delevop a responsive online calculator of the CO2 saved by some renewable energies.

ECCO database administrator tool

This tool is part of the ECCO One Stop Shop, which its objective is to make the administration of the database easy for the administrator.

A* visualization

A visualization of the well known A* algorith used for path finding.

Machine Learning algorithms

Three different algorithm implementations

  • Genetic algorithm
  • Image classification using kernels
  • Linear regression algorithm


This is an android application that you can use for taking environmental data when sightseeing wild animals during transects. This application has the possibility of connecting by BLE to a small device built around the ESP32 microcontroller, in order to read more accurate data from several sensors.

This app was developed as my final degree project and is currently available in the Google Play Store.

Google Hascode 2018 Solution

A solution done in my free time of the Google Hascode Hackatlon of 2018. The solution is done in python in the scripts:

Foto de Eduardo

Personal Background

My name is Eduardo Lamas Suárez, I'm a Software Engineer that studied his degree at Oviedo's University. Currently, I work as a Fullstack developer at CERN where I'm part of a team that focus on mantaining and developing business applications.
Apart from my Spanish, in which I'm native, I'm able to speak a fluent English, French at a fundamental level and also a very basic Japanese, this last language a pick it up during the COVID lockdown, while I was working in the company Merkle as a Java programmer analyst.

In 2019, I was living in Ireland, where I lived and studied for a year. Later that same year, during Summer, I took my first job, as an full-stack developer in the CIT (Cork Institute of Technology) university, where I was developing two online tools and a web page for the INTERREG ECCO project (the three projects are in my github account). This online tool is currently online here.

Finally, in 2014 I studied in the Lycée René Jodué Valin, located in France, where I was staying for half a year.

Among other things, my hobbies are doing karate, going to the gym, reading books, taking part in hackathons (I won the first CIT hackathon) and improving my programming skills.